The attributes of God
God is the one who is worthy of worship and learning about the creator's characteristics is essential to knowing the one who your worshiping. This blog will discuss who god is from the shortest chapter of the Honored Quran, which there is no doubt is the speech of God, for the sincere heart and the one who is looking for guidance in his life. This chapter is named the purity of faith.
1. Say He Allah is one who is unique.
2. Allah is the perfect, eternal and all depends on him while he needs none.
3. He begets not, and has not been begotten, (neither gives birth, nor born):
4. And no one has ever been equal to him, nor like Him.
This is chapter from the rational view is coherent in that there is no contradiction. God is one who is unique, and because he is unique and one – he is perfect where he depends on no one for his self-existing – meaning that that he didn’t come to existence which means that he is eternal. This will link to how he didn’t need a source where he came from ( father or mother) – which links to how he doesn’t need offspring ( sons or daughter) for if that was the case than he would not be unique anymore. This will finally make you understand how because of those attributes no one can ever be equal to him and how there is nothing like him.
You might ask if there is nothing like the creator (Allah) than why do you use the pronoun He. The answer for this is that it is the limitation of language. In Arabic words are either masculine or feminine and this does not indicate that these words possess something that makes them have the attribute of either being male or female. He in Arabic Comes from a pronoun in the past tenses that has two meaning. One of them means IT and the other meaning is He, so it is this word which is used in the Quran, and because you have to translate into English, you would have to use HE instead of IT. This means Always keep in mind that there is nothing like god, which would mean anything that you think of is not god.
Anything good I said is from god and any mistakes I made is from myself, and with god all help sought from.
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